If you are an entrepreneur with experience in building a start up that was successful or less successful with a special Fashion in your field and you want to be an ambassador in the sciences and technology professions, thereby affecting youth across the country by sharing your story, we will be happy for you to join the program TechBack.
One session you can ignite in their head the idea that they can set up a start-up if they only want and directly affect them and their surroundings.
It is enough that one boy or girl, will exit the meeting with you filled with motivation, and with a will to start and act, whether they choose science or technology classes next year or act independently and freely, they will begin to serve as a row model to their own environment, to friends, brothers and the whole community. They can lead a change and create a system of values that is different than the normal in these places, And in the future, in the broader level, there is a chance they will grow up, manage to identify some real need and develop an idea that will change their life, your life and the life of the people around you.
Questions and answers
Can I choose the school where I will meet the teenagers?
You can apply for a specific school. and if the school stands in the qualifications to participate in the program, texhback will make an effort to connect you to the specific school, but we do not guarantee it.
Can I choose the area where the school is?
Of course if there is a specific area where you want to volunteer please indicate this on the application form and TechBack you will make an effort ro coordinate a school for you in this area.
Do I need to prepare the contents of the meeting or I get guidelines from –TechBack?
No. In the simple paths the meeting will be held as a personal conversation and mostly you will have to answer truthfully the questions you will be asked by the moderator or by the students. The only thing you need is to come with is your honesty.
How will I get to the schools where the meetings are held?
TechBack give the entrepreneur volunteers a fee for fuel. If you do not have a vehicle we will coordinate a taxi for you that will pick you up and return you to the school.
What is the profile of the teenagers that participate (ages, sociological background, and educational background)?
The teenagers are ninth graders in middle schools who need to choose classes for the next school year. These are periphery schools (social / geographic).
Will the group of students be priory prepared and have educational support from the school?
The group goes through a short preparation with the class teachers, there they will explain to them the reason for which the meeting is being held and the idea behind it. Also, The students will receive a pamphlet with a brief summary of the high-tech world and the meeting in specific.
Why should I as an entrepreneur participate in the program?
It is enough that one boy or girl, will exit the meeting with you filled with motivation, and with a will to start and act, whether they choose science or technology classes next year or act independently and freely, they will begin to serve as a row model to their own environment, to friends, brothers and the whole community. They can lead a change and create a system of values that is different than the normal in these places, And in the future, in the broader level, there is a chance they will grow up, manage to identify some real need and develop an idea that will change their life, your life and the life of the people around you.
Do I need experience in guiding?
No. Because it is a personal free talk there is no need for preparation.
What mechanism is built to attract teenagers to the program?
The class teachers are the ones to market the program to the students that are in the year where they have to choose classes. The students will understand that the meetings with entrepreneurs with proven experience will give them a realistic view regarding the possibilities that will open to them in the future if they choose classes from the field of science or technologies.