The schools have a major part in designing the future of students. In our opinion it is not an easy task to manage and really touch students and sometimes there is a need in unconventional ways in order to complete this purpose.
techback was created in order to answer this need and help the schools to reach and wake inspiration and motivation in the student from an unexpected source.
if your school thinks outside the box and wants to add another tool in their tool box, fill the form in the page and we will be happy to talk to you.
Questions and answers
To which age groups can the meetings be coordinated for?
The goal is to encourage students to choose technology or computer classes so the meetings are designed for the 9th grade.
How many students will attend each encounter?
The students’ number changes for each route: A onetime meeting - class of 25 students / extended panel meeting - All the 9 graders / a meeting at the company offices - 5 to 10 students / annual guidance - 5 students. for further information for each route press here. The numbers can change of course according to the school needs.
Can students from different classes be integrated?
They can
What is the length of time that the program is supposed to operate?
There are 4 programs - one time meeting at school, Entrepreneurs Panel, Visiting the company offices and annual guidance. Press here for details of each route
Why should the school attend the program?
The purpose is to encourage students to choose technology or computer classes in the next school year by having an experiential encounter with experienced high-tech entrepreneurs who will seed in the boys the will for a life of creativity and entrepreneurship.
Is the entrepreneur requested to come with experience in guiding?
No, since it is not a lecture but a personal talk so there is no need for previous experience. TechBack in any case will prepare the entrepreneur in the best way before meeting the students.
Is there a prerequisite for participation in the school program?
The program is designed for schools that are in the periphery (social or geographic).